
'1962: Key Events

  • The border war with China (20 October-21 November) in the North and North East. The ill- equipped Indian Army is routed. Nehru is violently attacked by the Congress right wing for the failure of his ‘non-alignment’ policies.
  • In the general elections, Congress wins but the rise of the Jan Sangh and the Swatantra Parties signal a formidable merging of industrial pro- liberalisation forces with those of Hindu communalism in collective opposition to Nehru.
  • The Bhakra-Nangal multipurpose river valley project on the river Sutlej, one of the biggest dams in the world, is complete. In 1954, Nehru had described this engineering feat as the ‘greatest and holiest’ of India’s shrines.
  • Pakistan bans Indian films in the East (West Pakistan had banned them in 1952), hitting the Bengali cinema particularly hard.
  • Radio Ceylon captures India’s commercial radio audience by broadcasting film songs and film-based programmes, while All-India Radio concentrates on popularising classical music.
  • Indian Film Culture, the journal of the Federation of Film Societies of India, is launched in Calcutta.
Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on Feb 8, 2013, 7:46:42 AM