Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ore Oru Gramathile

Jul 17, 2012, 8:30:29 PM (12 years ago)



  • Ore Oru Gramathile

    v1 v1  
     1'''Ore Oru Gramathile''' 
     4aka Once Upon a Time in a Village 
     51987 138’ col Tamil 
     6d K. Jyothi Pandian pc Aries Enterprises 
     7p S. Rangarajan s/lyr Vali c Ranga m Ilaiyaraja 
     8lp Laxmi, Poornam Vishwanathan, Delhi 
     9Ganesh, Arundhati, Nizhalgal Ravi, Beena 
     10Chakravarthy, V.K. Ramaswamy, Senthil Charlie 
     13Controversial anti-government film in the 
     14tradition of the DMK propaganda melodrama, 
     15evoked e.g. in the opening cyclone scenes 
     16recalling Thyagabhoomi (1939). Produced in 
     17association with the publishers of Madras’s 
     18mainstream daily The Hindu, the film 
     19anticipates the attacks on the government’s 
     20positive discrimination policy in favour of 
     21‘scheduled’ castes, better known as Mandal 
     22Commission Recommendations, which helped 
     23bring down the Janata Dal government (1990). 
     24The impoverished upper-caste Brahmin 
     25woman Karupayi (Laxmi) masquerades as a 
     26low-caste Harijan in order to receive a good 
     27education and a good job. She is blackmailed 
     28by a tramp-like figure and eventually arrested 
     29and brought to court. As in the DMK genre, the 
     30trial becomes the place to expound the pros 
     31and cons of the policy and for the heroine to 
     32make her fervent plea that it is unfair to ask 
     33talented upper-caste people to suffer so that 
     34low-caste people may get decent jobs. In 
     35addition, the script places feminist ideas in its 
     36heroine’s speech to bolster its elitist message. 
     37The film uses several folk-music tunes as part 
     38of the rural drama and has a convincing 
     39performance by Laxmi. It was briefly banned 
     40but the Supreme Court eventually cleared it for 
     41public screening. 