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1951 182’ b&w Telugu d Chandru p S.S. Vasan pc Gemini st Gemini Story Dept. dial/lyr Tapi Dharma Rao m M.D. Parthasarathy lp P. Bhanumathi, Ranjan, Suryaprabha, T.R. Ramchandran, Narayana Rao, Doraiswamy, Kolatthu Mani, Surabhi Kamalabai, Vijayarao

A remake of Gemini’s hit Mangamma Sapatham (1943), to follow their successful trilingual Apoorva Sahodarargal/Nishan? (1949) starring Bhanumathi and Ranjan. Vasan again claimed directorial credit for the Hindi version. Mangala (Bhanumathi), the daughter of a rich farmer, chases her pet pigeon into a strange land whose prince (Ranjan) instantly falls in love with her. When she resists his advances, he threatens to marry and imprison her for the rest of her life. She responds by threatening that, should they marry, their son would grow up to whip his father. Dressed as a Carmen Miranda gypsy dancer she seduces him, gets pregnant and bears a son who eventually fulfils her prophecy.
