Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Holi

Jul 10, 2012, 4:35:39 PM (12 years ago)



  • Holi

    v1 v1  
     4aka Festival of Fire 
     51983 116’(120’) col Hindi 
     6d/co-sc/co-lyr Ketan Mehta pc Film Unit, Neo 
     7Film Associates st/co-sc/co-dial Mahesh 
     8Elkunchwar based on his play 
     9co-dial/co-lyr Hriday Lani c Jehangir 
     10Choudhury m Rajat Dholakia 
     11lp Sanjeev Gandhi, Manoj Pandya, Rahul 
     12Ranade, Ashutosh Gowarikar, Amole Gupte, 
     13Om Puri, Naseeruddin Shah, Deepti Naval, 
     14Shriram Lagoo, Aamir Khan, Mohan Gokhale 
     17Mehta’s first Hindi film addresses the increasing 
     18lumpenisation of university students featuring 
     19scenes of victimisation reminiscent of Volker 
     20Schloendorff’s Der junge Toerless (1966). 
     21Forced to attend a lecture on India’s cultural 
     22heritage while on holiday, the boys rebel. The 
     23violence gradually escalates into a major battle 
     24with the authorities as the colourful and 
     25anarchistic pre-Vedic spring festival, Holi, turns 
     26into a menacing festival of fire with burning 
     27school furniture. The college principal induces 
     28a boy to denounce the leaders of the rebellion. 
     29The informer is publicly humiliated and is 
     30forced to commit suicide. Mehta decided to 
     31shoot almost all the scenes in sequence shots, 
     32often using a crab-dolly or a steadycam, and 
     33using synch sound rather than playback or 
     34post-synched sound (in spite of the 
     35complicated songs and the musical 
     36accompaniment). The film’s enthusiastic and 
     37hallucinatory participation in student violence 
     38(of which it is supposedly critical) allows it to 
     39move away from its original political thrust, 
     40conveying existential despair instead. The film 
     41enjoyed a cult audience in New Delhi for a 
     42short period. 