
Version 2 (modified by Lawrence Liang, 13 years ago) (diff)


1914: Key Events

  • Start of WW1. Indian soldiers fight with British forces at Kut-al-Amara in Turkey and in Mesopotamia.
  • Gandhi’s agreement with General Smuts in South Africa on immigration and taxation laws for Indians is the first political success of his Satyagraha (non-violent) ‘experiments with truth’.
  • The MacMahon Line fixes the border between India and China, leading to disputes erupting in the 1962 war.
  • Phalke shows his first three features, Raja Harishchandra, Mohini Bhasmasur and Satyavan Savitri, in London.
  • R. Venkaiah and R. S. Prakash build Madras’s first permanent cinema, the Gaiety.