wiki:Aye Auto

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Aye Auto

1990 137’ col Malayalam d/st/sc/dial Venu Nagavalli pc Saraswathi Chaithanya p Raju lyr Bichu Thirumala c S. Kumar m Ravindran lp Mohanlal, Rekha, Thikkurisi Sukumaran Nair, Jagadish, Raju, Pappu, Murali, Srinivasan

Love story and commercially successful comedy featuring the orphaned Minu (Rekha) and an auto-rickshaw driver Sudhi (Mohanlal). When her parents died in an airplane crash, Minu was raised by her grandparents. She falls for Sudhi, who drives her to college every day. Her grandmother wants her to marry a rich financier, but her resourceful grandfather, who supports the couple, ensures the happy end. Much of the film is told from the point of view of Sudhi’s daily routine as a public conveyance driver: his encounters with irate customers, traffic police and turf-wars between rival drivers.
